Century Conversion Rate Calculator

Century Conversion Rate Calculator

Cricket is called a game of figures. For a batsman, the most important and keenly observed statistic is the Century Conversion Rate which can be found by our century conversion rate calculator. This tells us how often the player can convert his fifties into hundreds.

So, if you aim to perform analysis on any batsman’s performance, it becomes rather easier using our Century Conversion Rate Calculator.

Century Conversion Rate Calculator

Century Conversion Rate Calculator

Century Conversion Rate Calculator

  • Enter number of Fifties – Enter the number of half centuries ( more than 50 runs ) scored by the batter.
  • Enter number of Centuries – Enter the number of tons (more than 100 runs) scored by the batter.

Checkout all the important cricket calculators like Current Run Rate Calculator, NRR Calculator, DLS Calculator and many more here

What is Century Conversion Rate Calculator?

Century Conversion Rate: The percentage of time a batsman, after reaching a half-century (50+ runs), goes on to score a century (100+ runs). It basically describes how well batsmen can convert good starts into big ones.


Century Conversion Rate= (Centuries/Fifties+Centuries)* 100

For example, if a batsman has scored 10 centuries and 20 fifties, the conversion rate would be:


Why is Century Conversion Rate Calculator Important?

  • Performance Indicator – It shows consistency and efficiency in converting starts into big scores.
  • Comparing Players – It allows comparing all players across formats like Test, One Day International, and T20 cricket.
  • Team Strategy – Teams can evaluate a batsman’s contribution and role in the lineup.
  • Fantasy Cricket & Analysis: Handy for cricket analysts and fantasy cricket players to judge the reliability of the players.

Best Player with Higher Century Conversion Rate

Sir Donald Bradman – 100% (29 centuries, 0 fifties in Tests!)

Final Thoughts

Understanding and analyzing a batsman’s Century Conversion Rate can provide deep insights into their consistency and temperament. Use our Century Conversion Rate Calculator to check any player’s stats and improve your cricket analysis!


What is considered a good Century Conversion Rate?

Elite (50% or more): Players like Virat Kohli and Steve Smith often maintain high conversion rates.
Good (35-49%): Many established batsmen fall into this range.
Average (Below 35%): Indicates difficulty in converting starts into big scores.

Can the conversion rate change over time?

Yes, as a batsman scores more 50s and 100s, their conversion rate will adjust accordingly.

Where can I find Century Conversion Rates for famous cricketers?

You can check cricket statistics websites like ESPN Cricinfo or ICC for player records.

Can I use this calculator for local or amateur cricket matches?

Absolutely! This calculator works for any level of cricket where data on fifties and centuries is available.

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About Smith Ghule

I am a fan of Cricket since 2002. I have keenly followed cricket and have good knowledge about it in terms of game plan, stats and intuitions. I have overall 7 years of experience in fantasy cricket and like to share it with cricket fans as well.

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